Our Products for Safety in your Applications

Medical Technology

The speed of innovation in the field of diagnostics is rapidly increasing and the demands on medtech equipment rises steadily. From flame-retardant to halogen-free plastics we work with you to develop the ideal product solution for your needs.


Technical Plastics and Blends

  • Halogen-free plastics for manufacturing medtech equipment (e.g. dialysis machines, ultrasound equipment, etc.)
  • UV- and weather-resistant thermoplastics for interior and exterior applications (ASA; SAS; PC+ASA)
  • Scratch-resistant thermoplastics (ABS, ABS+PC)
  • Impact-resistant thermoplastics (ABS, ABS+PC)
  • Antimicrobial thermoplastics (ABS, ABS+PC)
  • Chemical-resistant PBT/ASA VO for housing applications

ROWA Masterbatch

Polymere specific color, additive and multifunctional masterbatches

  • Trademark protection through invisible marking (detectable pigments)
  • Laser marking for labelling and lettering


Liquid Colors and Additive

High covering capacity is a must in medical technology, above all with light colors like white. Equally important are functional properties, like those which ensure long-term retention of the visual and haptic characteristics of the product.

  • Without negative physiological effects
  • Compliant with standards for foodstuffs, drinking water and toys (DIN EN 71-3)
  • High covering capacity
  • Brilliant colors
  • Light-fast and weather-resistant
  • No negative effects on flame retardance, hence All Color Listing (UL) is a possibility
  • Laser marking a possible option
  • Rapid change of color

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