ROWAnews, Press releases and events

ROWA Lack develops coating systems with tinfree stabilisation


The classification of the organotin stabiliser DOTE (2-ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4,4-dioctyl-7-oxo-8-oxa-3,5-dithia-4-stannatetradecanoate) as toxic for reproduction has been binding since 1 June 2015. In a second development, DOTE was also added to the SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) Candidate List. ROWA Lack takes account of this development.

This decisions have wide-ranging consequences for mixtures that contain DOTE. Firstly, DOTE is now an SVHC candidate and must be reported in Section 3 of the corresponding safety data sheet at concentrations above 0.1 %. In addition, mixtures with DOTE concentrations above 0.3 % are now reprotoxic (H 360D), whereas previously only concentrations above 3 % DOTE were suspected to be reprotoxic (H 361D). Therefore, so far label free products could now be classified as harzardous and thus be subject to mandatory labeling.

To cater to customer requirements and fulfil its duties towards both human health and the environment, ROWA Lack has been researching and developing new DOTE-free coating formulations. This R&D work means ROWA is now capable of converting almost all of its currently available coating systems to tin-free stabilisation in the near future. Since the stabiliser is generally only required for the manufacturing process of the lacquer, the properties of the final coating film can usually be retained in full. Customers are welcome to contact ROWA Lack sales representatives for the latest product literature and samples.

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